Thursday, May 07, 2009

Another short one

Well we had the realtor come tonight. We've got everything moving.. and will be officially listed on Monday. We decided Monday, since I need to get some yard work done this weekend, and Josh needs to work on the front steps. It will also allow me a bit more time to organize the craft room and basement (the 2 zones that still need work). Wednesday morning lots of realtors will be coming through to check out the place.

I'm going to have to come up with some creative places to go with two babies during daytime showings. I think Wednesday we'll just plan a coffee shop date or something.

And finally, I photo from the archives for my top commenters (James and Dara):


I think this was the one and only time that James was able to steal Paisley away from Dara ;). I think she was in the shower.


Dara said...

Wait, I think I know that handsome man from somewhere....

Hi, my name is Dara, and I'm a Paisley addict :)

She sure has grown up a lot since then!

BarefootTams said...

:) She has grown a lot hasn't she. I only really notice when I see someone else holding her, and see how bug she's gotten.

I'm a Paisley addict too!