Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More Wedding Invitiations

Invitation #3

Invitation #4

Invitation #5

Invitation #6

Some sample wedding invitations

I made a bunch of sample wedding invitations a while back now, but have never shared them on here. :) So since life has been a little dry around here lately... I thought I'd share them.

Invitation #1

Invitation #2

Well blogger is having issues... so only 2 invitations for now. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

They've arrived!

The rest of my cloth diapers arrived today! :) At the early stage, we're trying a couple of each company's diapers that got good reviews. Then we can see which ones work for us and which we want to invest in for the rest of the diapering stages. Although several of them are One Size diapers that can be used from 8 lbs all the way up to 30lbs. So we'll see how it all works out. I've still got to pick up a few more doublers, or make them. Also have to finish making cloth wipes (my project this coming weekend).

Last night we got rain and snow. So this morning when it warmed up again, I heard water running (rather loudly), so I went to investigate. The gutter that goes above our front door was pouring down over the front step (opposite end of the trough as it is supposed to). It wasn't just pouring out... it was waterfalling! There was no way to get in or out of the house! It only lasted about 10 minutes, but it was crazy. Guessing it's something that will have to be attended to this summer. In the winter the same thing happens, then the water freezes on the front step (not so safe).

Since we've put up the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs (we put it up to keep the cats out of the bedroom area of the house while we were working), I've noticed the cats aren't getting as much exercise as usual. Normally they're chasing each other around the house... but this week... they've been laying on their pet bed, and sleeping. But as you can see.... Teemo is definitely more comfortable than he ever used to be.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

More Renos

Well we spent our Saturday working around the house. We got the first coat done in the spare bedroom in the morning, and then a second coat in the evening. This room will be used as the baby's room eventually, although right now it has all the furniture for the extra bedroom (which we are waiting for the tennant to move out of before we can do anything with it). So here's couple pictures of the work done:

Here's the room before we started (weird.... it's showing 3 pictures in one.... gotta get Josh on the debugging of that one!):

Here's Josh painting (the first coat):

I also got a chance to work in the garden yesterday. Twenty degree weather in April, not complaining. Hopefully today I'll get some more done in the garden.

I am no officially done classes. :) I'm so happy about that. Have 3 exams to write still, one today (a take home), one this week (just a multiple choice webct based exam) and then one April 24th, which will be brutal (but I'm sitting with 100% in the course, so I am sitting very well going into it). Then I will be a graduate. Only took me 6 years! (or was it 7?)

I've also gotten a chance to do lots of crafting this last month. I'm actually pretty well caught up to my card a day status.... although I usually make 6 -12 at once... not one everyday. Here's just a few of the cards I've made recently:

Josh is headed to Vancouver today, until Wednesday for a conference, so the house will be quite quiet. I'm hoping to get a lot of things done while he is gone, just organization and such. The next two weekends we will also be travelling and getting some visiting in. Then it's May. Time is going very fast!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Guitar customization

You may recall my complaint about the aesthetics of my new guitar. Luckily it was an easy tweak to make the look more pleasing. I pulled off the amber knobs that came on the guitar and replaced them with some chrome ones. Here's the result:

Original amber knobs
New chrome knobs

The new knobs look great, and my repository of chords is gradually growing.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

My life at the Enmax

Paul Brandt in Lethbridge

My week of residence in the Enmax Center has come to an end now. Four of the previous seven evenings were spent in the seats of the arena. Thursday night Tamara and I went with some friends to see Paul Brandt in concert.

Backstage with Paul Brandt

Because Michael from work went to school with Paul he was able to get us some meet & greet passes for before the show. We got to chat with Paul Brandt for a few minutes and have a picture taken with him. Much like myself, Paul will be a father for the first time in the next couple of months, and like me, he is both scared and excited about it.


Round two of the WHL playoffs started on Friday at the Enmax. We were all heartbroken with the 3-2 Hurricane loss after blowing a 2-0 third period lead. They almost blew a 4-0 third period lead last night (see photo above: 3-0 at the start of the third), narrowly escaping with a 5-4 win in OT. The good news out of that is that we are guaranteed a game 5 in Lethbridge next Friday.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Enmax Center: My home away from home

Game 7 shaking hands

I'm thinking of having my mail forwarded to the Enmax Center; I've been spending that much time there. Brian and I took in game 6 of the Hurricanes' opening round series against Brandon on Sunday night. A dominant performance by the 'Canes that was, and they earned themselves a spot in the second round. So Friday and Saturday I'll goto the Hurricane games against Kootenay with some of the guys from work. Tonight, however, we're going to see Paul Brandt, and since Michael went to high school with him, we've managed to get backstage passes.

It should be a fun weekend! If you're looking for me, try section LL at the Enmax.