Wow, the days are going fast.
Friday/Saturday we had several showings, Sunday Josh's parents were here finishing up the stairs to the basement (they look great!). Monday Josh and I went to look at several houses. There was a couple we liked, but they were on the very upper end of our limit, so we will keep looking.
Yesterday we were at home all day with the kids, then went and test drove a couple vehicles in the evening.
Today we have a showing. SO I'm hoping the babes go down for their nap really soon so I can finish swiffering and dusting. That way when they wake up, I can just load them in the car. This showing is a repeat showing... so that's promising! They wanted to come back for a second look.
I'll be happy once we are sold, I won't have to be so meticulous in everything I do. It's hard to keep the house spotless with 2 mobile babies, 2 cats, and 2 busy adults.
The card reader and cords for the cameras are tucked away due to showings, and so I have no pictures to share right now. But hopefully soon!!