Friday, April 24, 2009

A few projects this week:

A Gnome:


A Doll:


Convinced Mom to make a doll as well:


Some Caploomers... which are full size pants on Paisley (need to work on the sizing)


Also made Paisley a skirt.... which was too small.

Today I have to work on a quilt. Hopefully will finish it today.

I didn't get done near as many projects as I'd hoped too, but with sicknesses, and just being so tired, I haven't really focused. I started a dress for Paisley, as well as cut and pinned a dress to sell, but that's about it.

Here's just SOME of the fabric I brought along:


I have a goal of using up what fabric I have (get it down to just one rubbermaid tote) before allowing myself to buy anymore.


Dara said...

Wow, you were busy! Everything looks fabulous.

Dara said...

Is this what the caploomers are supposed to look like?