Monday, April 20, 2009


I have recently discovered that i really enjoy going for lunch with Paisley. Just the two of us. :) She really seems to like restaurant high chairs, the new friends she makes, and she always seems to score herself freebies (free milk, free side dish, free toy). It also gives us a more leisurely lunch, as she's absolutely well behaved. :)

We've discovered a few things that are a must though.


This placemat is FANTASTIC! I bought it at Toys R Us, it's a Kiddopotomus Tidy Diner. It has suction cups on the bottom, a little trough to catch all the droppings, and it just folds and rolls up to a little tube to keep in my purse. Less mess on the restaurant floor (meaning only a normal tip required (mess=bigger tip required)). It saves me from having to put finger food on a table that could be really gross. Plus, she loves to point at the characters (Hey Diddle Diddle) and try to name them.

Wet wipes.... wipe down the highchair, and for clean up after the meal.

A few snacks from home (just to keep her happy until the food comes).

A big enough table, that all drinks, cutlery and dishes can be out of reach from her go-go gadget arms.

We have only gone for lunch a couple times, but I think it will be planned for once a month. She's just all smiles and generally eats really well (actually eats a good chunk of my meal for me).

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