Sunday, April 19, 2009


Yesterday Paisley and I made the drive out to Revelstoke (leaving Daddy behind). Paisley was a good traveler (as she usually is), and slept or played in the back seat most of the way. There was some singing as well.

My view :


I actually just recently (last month or so) bought a mirror for the back seat, so I can see her better. Allows me to assess if she's asleep, or just being quiet. Plus I can make faces at her :). Some people have asked me why I would purchase this now... since she was 9 months at the time, and at 12 months she can be forward facing. The reason I decided to do this, is because I plan to keep her rear-facing as long as her carseat allows her to (which is 35 pounds in Paisley's car seat).

The law states that a child must be rear-facing until they reach 20 lbs AND 12 months old. But in researching this issue, it is highly recommended that a child be rear-facing until they reach the rear-facing weight limits of their seat. In a crash, this protects your child the best, as it spread the force of a crash over a larger portion of the body. Makes sense to me. I would like to reduce Paisley's injuries best I can if we did happen to crash. Here's an article about this issue, with links to crash test video: Article on Rear-Facing Carseats It states that it is 5 times safer for your child to remain rear-facing until the age of 2.

Something for people to consider as they approach that 1st birthday.

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