Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Slices

Thanks for the name suggestion Dara. I love it! :) There will be something in the mail to you within a couple weeks. I know exactly what I'm sending you!

Now, onto business!!

Nerdy Flashcards, made by electicboogaloo (This store has a whole nerdy baby series, I love it!):

Print your own fabric with Spoonflower. That's right. You design it, they will print it! SO many possibilities:

Diet Coke & Nutella Cupcakes. They look delicious! Click the picture for the recipe.

Just a short slice feature this week, as I'm doing it in one day. In the future, as I come across them, I'll set them aside.



Bonsignore Family said...

great name!

Anonymous said...

You don't need to send me anything! Love the Nerdy Baby stuff, thanks for the fun links.