Monday, September 08, 2008


We are officially on vacation! It's so quiet and peaceful! And YAY for finding an open wireless network.... I only have to sit in the very corner of the condo.

We are in Fairmont for the whole week! But should have some pictures to post when we are back. I've been sewing during naps, and Josh has been golfing with his family.

Currently, it's Josh's parents, Grandma Schroeder, and Josh's brother out here with us. On Tuesday Josh's brother and grandma head back, and his other grandparents, and his Great Uncle Jimmy are coming out (and they will head home Friday in time for the Stamps game). Lots of family, lots of pool, lots of hotspringing and for me, lots of sewing.

Pictures to come on the weekend, most likely. I think uploading photos with this weak internet connection would take a long time, so we'll wait til we're back.

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