Friday, July 21, 2006

After a week of work (and getting stuck, due to the lack of supplies), the room is now almost complete. Just waiting for the bed to arrive (tonight) and have to hang the shelves (which we decided to do once the bed is in there. Oh, and I need to hem the curtains, but I'll do that tonight while they assemble the bed. :) Then it will be done! I'll post pictures then! It looks so good already!

I'm barely working these days. I had 3 scheduled shift this week.. all about 4 hours. Next week I get 2 shifts. One is 4 hours one is 3.5. I don't know how I'm going to get by on such few hours. It's very frustrating, since I talked to her at the beginning of the summer, and made a decision then not to get a second job. And initially I was getting enough hours, but now I'm getting very little hours. I get 2 shifts, everyone else gets 3 shifts. Last week I got 3, and everyone else got 4. I don't get it. But whatever. She knows finances are tight right now for us as well...

Tuesday night I started on my Christmas cards! It was loads of fun. I'm getting together all my samples for this year... decide which I'm going to make. I think Josh and I decideed to do a photo tag one.

Anyway back to work around the house. I've got loads to do today, plus I work this afternoon (after 6 days of no shifts).

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